Innovations to Make Headlines
We recently read a statistic that raised eyebrows: “By 2025, there will be 152,200 IoT devices connecting to the internet per minute.” Yes, read that again – per minute. Considering IoT devices far surpass non-IoT devices, this isn’t too far-fetched of a prediction. If you’re new here, here’s a refresher on IoT. IoT stands for Internet of Things, but has different extended meanings for many people. IoT refers to the “things” (physical objects) that have the technology to connect and exchange data with the internet and other devices/systems. The term itself was coined in 1999 by a computer scientist. In less than three decades, it has grown exponentially and will continue to do so. Here are three trending topics we anticipate seeing more of in 2023.
Sustainable Energy
With Sustainability being a current widely addressed topic at hand, it’s no wonder this hits the top of the list. Building sustainable energy systems can be possible with IoT and choosing the applications that will provide ease of use. For example, “apps such as grid management, distributed systems, smart meters and residential solutions that are making rounds in the renewable energy industry, along with benefits such as better control, cost efficiency and higher transparency IoT offers.”
Smart City Emergence
Sixty-five percent of US internet users feel somewhat comfortable with the idea of living in a smart city. Will this percentage increase? Either way, we expect to see tremendous growth in this area. Smart cities will utilize lights, sensors, and meters via IoT devices. The data can be recorded in real-time and is analyzed to ensure safer living and a better quality of life. Plus, we anticipate seeing an increase in smart grids, which aid in conserving resources and lowering consumption during peak hours. In order to culminate all of the data between IoT, BigData, and AI, data centers are essential for optimal connectivity and storage. Data centers will play a major role in the coming decade. 165 Halsey is excited for new opportunities in this arena.
Expansion of Work from Home Technologies
Although some companies choose to return to the workplace, remote work will continue to be the norm for many employees. Organizations were hit hard at the beginning of the pandemic, unsure how to adapt and ensure all resources were readily available to all employees. Advanced applications will better allow techs to monitor equipment on site from the comfort of their homes. Fortunately, in these trying cybersecurity times, IoT also improves remote security to detect intruders and send real-time information to security professionals.
Overall, we will see an increase in 5G transforming IoT apps into more of an interactive experience. “Integrating 5G into IoT devices will further power the industry use cases of IoT while paving the way for new, cutting edge solutions.” No one knows for sure what 2023 has in store for the advancement of IoT devices. However, we do know that innovation will lead the way in how we not only utilize, receive, and send data but communicate with the world around us. 165 Halsey Street consistently stays on top of the latest technology and trends.
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