Downtime for your business can be catastrophic in today’s digital world. Lost sales, frustrated customers, and a damaged reputation are just a few of the consequences. That’s why choosing the right high availability data center is crucial.

How do you choose the right data center to meet your specific needs? It’s an overwhelming decision that requires research. We’ll delve into the key factors to consider when selecting a data center that guarantees uninterrupted data center uptime and provides the reliable data center services you need.

What is a High Availability Data Center?

A high availability data center is designed to minimize downtime and ensure your critical business operations run smoothly. These data centers achieve 24/7 data center availability through a combination of redundant systems, including:

  • Power: Backup generators and multiple power feeds prevent outages caused by power failures.
  • Cooling: Redundant cooling systems ensure your equipment stays operational even if one unit fails.
  • Network: Multiple internet connections and network providers guarantee connectivity in case of an outage with a single provider.
  • Hardware: Redundant servers and storage devices minimize downtime if a single component malfunctions.

Understanding High Availability Data Centers

At the core of every high availability data center is the commitment to uninterrupted uptime. These facilities are engineered with redundant systems and failover mechanisms to ensure that services remain accessible 24/7, 365 days a year. From power supplies to network connectivity, every aspect is meticulously designed to mitigate the risk of downtime and keep operations running smoothly. Use the following data center considerations when choosing the right partner: 

1. Reliability and Redundancy

When evaluating data center solutions, reliability should be non-negotiable. Look for providers that boast a track record of maintaining high uptime percentages and employ redundant infrastructure, such as backup power generators, multiple network carriers, and mirrored data storage. This redundancy ensures that even in the event of hardware failures or network issues, services remain uninterrupted.

2. Scalability

As your business grows, so do your data needs. Choose a data center provider that offers scalability options to accommodate your evolving requirements. Whether it’s additional server space, bandwidth upgrades, or cloud integration, flexibility is key to ensuring seamless expansion without disruptions to operations.

3. Security Measures

Data security is paramount in today’s digital landscape. Ensure that the data center you choose adheres to stringent security protocols, including physical security measures like biometric access controls, surveillance systems, and round-the-clock security personnel. Additionally, inquire about cybersecurity measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits to safeguard against external threats.

4. Geographic Location

The physical location of the data center plays a crucial role in determining latency and disaster recovery strategies. Opt for a facility that is strategically located to minimize latency for your target audience while also considering factors like environmental risks and proximity to major transportation hubs. Furthermore, assess the provider’s disaster recovery plans and geographical redundancy to ensure data integrity in the face of unforeseen events.

5. Compliance and Certifications

Depending on your industry, compliance with regulatory standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS may be mandatory. Choose a data center provider that maintains compliance with relevant regulations and holds certifications attesting to their adherence to industry best practices. This not only ensures legal compliance but also instills confidence in the security and integrity of your data.

Finding the Right High Availability Data Center

Here are key factors to consider when searching for a data center that offers the uninterrupted data center availability your business needs:

  • Uptime Guarantee: Look for data centers with a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that guarantees a specific uptime percentage (ideally 99.999% or higher).
  • Redundancy Measures: Evaluate the data center’s backup systems for power, cooling, network connectivity, and hardware.
  • Security Features: Ensure the data center prioritizes physical and digital security to protect your sensitive information.
  • Compliance Certifications: Look for certifications like SOC 2 and HIPAA that demonstrate the data center’s commitment to security and data privacy.
  • Scalability: Choose a data center that can accommodate your growing data storage and bandwidth needs.
  • Location: Consider factors like proximity to your business and potential disaster risks like natural disasters.
  • Customer Service: Evaluate the data center’s track record of customer support and responsiveness.

165 Halsey: Your Partner in Uninterrupted Data Center High Availability

In today’s hyperconnected world, the importance of high availability data centers cannot be overstated. Remember, the right data center isn’t just a service provider—it’s a strategic partner in your journey towards digital transformation and business success.

At 165 Halsey Street, we understand the critical role data centers play in business continuity. We offer a large floorplate of over 1.2 million square feet, making it one of the largest data centers in the Northeast! This spacious floorplate provides ample space for companies to house their IT infrastructure, servers, and equipment. We understand the advantages you need for a carrier neutral data center. 165 Halsey Street offers the services you need in New Jersey to make it the perfect spot in the Northeast for your needs. Discover why customers choose us and contact us today to learn more and see how we can meet your data center needs!